

顶点小说网 www.dingdianzww.com,:我是谁:无错无删减全文免费阅读!

unfavorable to the young master.(可是这样一来公子就危险了,我看那个人就是个疯子,我怕他真的会做出什么对公子不利的事情来。)”手下人道。

    “In all these years, no one has dared to threaten me. how dare this little flea use my son to threaten me!(这么多年来,还从没有人敢威胁过我,这个小跳蚤竟敢用我的儿子来威胁我!)”马克亚当斯愤怒的一拳击在桌子上道。

    “boss, let's stabilize that crazy person first and take his life after saving the young master.(老板,我们还是先稳住那个疯子吧,等把公子救回来之后再取他狗命。)”手下人提议道。



    “how is my son now?(我儿子现在怎么样?)”马克亚当斯拨通电话后开门见山地道。

    “boss mark, your son is very safe. As long as you are willing to meet me once, I will release your son immediately. I will keep my word.(马克老板,你儿子很安全,只要你肯和我见上一面,我马上就放了你儿子,我说到做到。)”格雷格道。

    “who the hell are you? why do you want to see me so much?(你到底是谁?为什么你那么想见到我?)”马克亚当斯道。

    “because only you can do this, I can only choose to e to you.(因为这件事只有你能做得到,所以我只能选择找你。)”格雷格道。

    “what are you referring to?(你指的是什么事?)”马克亚当斯道。

    “mark, you don't know that every state in the United States has been frequently damaged recently?(马克老大,最近美国各州都频频遭到破坏,你不会不知道吧?)”格雷格道。

    “I have heard a little about this matter, but it is a police matter and has nothing to do with me.(这件事我倒是略有耳闻,不过,这是警察的事,与我无关。)”马克亚当斯道。

    “If the police could handle it, I wouldn't e looking for you.(如果警察能搞定,我就不会来找你了。)”格雷格道。

    “but I don't know you, why should I trust you?(可是,我并不认识你,我凭什么信你?)”马克亚当斯道。

    “If it weren't for someone's trust, I wouldn't dare e to see you.(如果不是受人所托,我也不敢来找你。)”格雷格道。

    “who entrusted you to?(你是受何人所托?)”马克亚当斯道。

    “this person's identity needs to be kept secret, and when I see you, I will naturally say.(这个人的身份需要隐秘,等见了你我自然会说。)”格雷格道。

    “okay, where will we meet?(好吧,在哪里见面?)”马克亚当斯问道。




    “Are you the people who called me?(你们就是给我打电话的人?)”马克亚当斯从车上下来道。

    “No, mark, that's a scam. that person kidnapped your son just to deal with you. don't fall for it!(不,马克老大,那是一个骗局,那个人绑架你儿子只是为了对付你,你可千万不要上当啊!)”那群为首的人道。

    “who are you again?(你又是谁?)”马克亚当斯问道。

    “my name is John Kovich, I'm here to help you save your son!(我叫约翰科维奇,我是来帮你救你儿子的!)”那群为首的人道。

    “how did you know my son was kidnapped?(你怎么知道我儿子被人绑架了?)”马克亚当斯道。

    “It was our boss who knew about his conspiracy in advance that sent us over to inform boss mark that you should not be deceived.(是我们老大事先知道了他的阴谋,所以才叫我们过来知会马克老板你一声,不要让你上当受骗。)”约翰科维奇道。

    “So where is my son now? take me to save him!(那我儿子现在在什么地方?快带我去救他!)”马克亚当斯迫不及待地道。

    “boss mark, don't worry, there are only two enemies, it's easy to deal with. please e with us!(马克老板不用担心,敌人只有两个,很好对付,请跟我们来吧!)”约翰科维奇道。




    “why hasn't boss mark e for so long?(为什么这么久马克老板还没有来?)”格雷格自言自语道。

    “Greg, will there be any changes in this matter?(格雷格,这件事会不会有什么变故?)”马克思焦虑地道。

    “I don't think so. After all, his son is still in our hands, so he shouldn't mess around.(应该不会吧,毕竟他的儿子还在咱们手里,他应该不会乱来的。)”格雷格自我安慰道。

    “what the hell are you doing kidnapping me for? Are you trying to deal with my father?(你们绑架我到底要干嘛?你们是不是想对付我父亲?)”马克亚当斯的儿子道。

    “You're right, that's what they think!(你猜的没错,他们就是这么想的!)”就在这时,突然杀出一群人。

