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ad temper is enough for you!(喂,我劝你还是说实话吧,你这又不是多大的罪,顶多就是个偷渡,你从哪来的还送你回哪去,你也没什么损失的!如果你一直不肯说实话,艾度的臭脾气可够你受的!)”那名喝咖啡的男警劝道。
“officer, what do you want me to say? You don't believe what I said anyway!(警官,你让我说什么?反正我说什么你们都不相信!)”东方男子无奈地道。
“Since you don't want to tell the truth, don't tell me anything. Anyway, I'm free. I'll waste the day with you!(既然你不想说实话,那就什么都别说,反正我也闲着没事,今天我就跟你耗到底!)”艾度道。
“Edu, we have received a fax from the American police!(艾度,我们收到了美国警方的传真!)”另一名正坐在电脑前的女警突然道。
传真内容如下:“please note that an Asian man has killed several people in china and has fled to Russia. the Russian police are requested to take strict precautions against him. once he is found, he should be killed immediately, because he is an extremely dangerous person. the Russian police must be careful to deal with him to ensure safety!(请俄罗斯警方注意,有一名亚洲男子在我国连杀了数人,现已逃往俄罗斯,请俄罗斯警方严防严控,一旦发现其行踪,应立刻击毙,因为此人是个极度危险的人物,请俄罗斯警方务必要小心应对,以保安全!)”
“It turned out that he was a murderer fleeing from America!(原来他是从美国逃窜过来的杀人犯!)”看完这封传真,艾度惊的脸色煞白地道。
“It can't be true!(不会吧!)”刚刚喝咖啡的那名男警道。
“It can't be wrong. Look, there is a picture of him on it!(不会错的,你们看,这上面还附有他的照片!)”说着,艾度从腰间拔出了枪指向那名东方男子。
“e on, don't let him run away. he's a murderer!(快,别让他跑了,他可是杀人犯哪!)”艾度高声提醒道。
“don't keep your hands on him. we must shoot him, because he is an extremely dangerous person. As long as he lives, everyone in this city will be in danger!(大家不要留手,一定要击毙他,因为他是个极度危险的人物,只要他活着一天,这个城市所有的人都会有危险!)”艾度提醒同事们道。
“God, it's a crow! why is he here?(天哪,是乌鸦!他怎么会在这里?)”车上正在开车的男子惊呼道。
“boss, it's really him! however, it seems that his clothes are not!(老板,确实是他!但是,看他的穿着又好像不是!)”副驾驶上的另一名男子道。
“haven't crows bee*****sing for many years? how can it appear here?(乌鸦不是已经失踪很多年了吗?怎么会在这里出现呢?)”坐在后座上被称为老板的男子道。
“boss, look!(老板,你看!)”说着,副驾驶上的男子将刚刚用手机拍下的他的身影递向后座的男子。
“Except for his clothes and hairstyle, this man looks exactly like a crow!(除了穿着和发型之外,这个人和乌鸦长的完全一样!)”被称为老板的男子道。
“Look at his clothes. he looks like a savage!(看他的穿着,好像是个野人!)”开车的男子道。
“drive over and let's try him!(把车开过去,我们去试试他!)”老板道。
“this is not good. he is a murderer!(这不好吧,他可是杀人犯啊!)”开车的男子道。
“what happened to the murderer? we are not good men and women! As long as he can be used by me, no matter who he is! there are many people who look like him in the world. who can be sure that he is the missing crow!(杀人犯怎么了?咱们也不是什么善男信女!只要他能为我所用,管他是谁呢!天底下长的像的人多了去了,谁能肯定他就是当年失踪的乌鸦呢!)”老板道。
“the boss said yes! but look at his skill, there is no one in the million!(老板说的是!不过看他的身手,可是万中无一啊!)”开车的男子道。
“polly, how's Shine's plan going?(珀利,Shine公司的计划着手准备的怎么样了?)”老板问道。
“boss, that's a piece of fat. Everyone wants to have a bite. I... I'm not ready!(老板,那可是块肥肉,谁都想上去咬一口的,我……我还没有准备好!)”副驾驶上的男子道。
“polly, I understand your difficulties, but you can prepare again now. I am bound to get the fat of Shine!(珀利,我明白你的难处,不过你现在可以重新准备了,Shine公司这块大肥肉,我是势在必得的!)”老板道。
“boss, why are you so sure?(老板,你怎么这么有把握?)”珀利道。
“because of him, as long as I win him, Shine pany is my bag!(因为有他,只要把他争取到手,Shine公司就等于是我的囊中之物!)”老板自信地道。
“oK, let's go and try him!(好,我们这就去试试他!)”说着,开车的男子便把车驶向了那名仍在奔跑的东方男子。
ad temper is enough for you!(喂,我劝你还是说实话吧,你这又不是多大的罪,顶多就是个偷渡,你从哪来的还送你回哪去,你也没什么损失的!如果你一直不肯说实话,艾度的臭脾气可够你受的!)”那名喝咖啡的男警劝道。
“officer, what do you want me to say? You don't believe what I said anyway!(警官,你让我说什么?反正我说什么你们都不相信!)”东方男子无奈地道。
“Since you don't want to tell the truth, don't tell me anything. Anyway, I'm free. I'll waste the day with you!(既然你不想说实话,那就什么都别说,反正我也闲着没事,今天我就跟你耗到底!)”艾度道。
“Edu, we have received a fax from the American police!(艾度,我们收到了美国警方的传真!)”另一名正坐在电脑前的女警突然道。
传真内容如下:“please note that an Asian man has killed several people in china and has fled to Russia. the Russian police are requested to take strict precautions against him. once he is found, he should be killed immediately, because he is an extremely dangerous person. the Russian police must be careful to deal with him to ensure safety!(请俄罗斯警方注意,有一名亚洲男子在我国连杀了数人,现已逃往俄罗斯,请俄罗斯警方严防严控,一旦发现其行踪,应立刻击毙,因为此人是个极度危险的人物,请俄罗斯警方务必要小心应对,以保安全!)”
“It turned out that he was a murderer fleeing from America!(原来他是从美国逃窜过来的杀人犯!)”看完这封传真,艾度惊的脸色煞白地道。
“It can't be true!(不会吧!)”刚刚喝咖啡的那名男警道。
“It can't be wrong. Look, there is a picture of him on it!(不会错的,你们看,这上面还附有他的照片!)”说着,艾度从腰间拔出了枪指向那名东方男子。
“e on, don't let him run away. he's a murderer!(快,别让他跑了,他可是杀人犯哪!)”艾度高声提醒道。
“don't keep your hands on him. we must shoot him, because he is an extremely dangerous person. As long as he lives, everyone in this city will be in danger!(大家不要留手,一定要击毙他,因为他是个极度危险的人物,只要他活着一天,这个城市所有的人都会有危险!)”艾度提醒同事们道。
“God, it's a crow! why is he here?(天哪,是乌鸦!他怎么会在这里?)”车上正在开车的男子惊呼道。
“boss, it's really him! however, it seems that his clothes are not!(老板,确实是他!但是,看他的穿着又好像不是!)”副驾驶上的另一名男子道。
“haven't crows bee*****sing for many years? how can it appear here?(乌鸦不是已经失踪很多年了吗?怎么会在这里出现呢?)”坐在后座上被称为老板的男子道。
“boss, look!(老板,你看!)”说着,副驾驶上的男子将刚刚用手机拍下的他的身影递向后座的男子。
“Except for his clothes and hairstyle, this man looks exactly like a crow!(除了穿着和发型之外,这个人和乌鸦长的完全一样!)”被称为老板的男子道。
“Look at his clothes. he looks like a savage!(看他的穿着,好像是个野人!)”开车的男子道。
“drive over and let's try him!(把车开过去,我们去试试他!)”老板道。
“this is not good. he is a murderer!(这不好吧,他可是杀人犯啊!)”开车的男子道。
“what happened to the murderer? we are not good men and women! As long as he can be used by me, no matter who he is! there are many people who look like him in the world. who can be sure that he is the missing crow!(杀人犯怎么了?咱们也不是什么善男信女!只要他能为我所用,管他是谁呢!天底下长的像的人多了去了,谁能肯定他就是当年失踪的乌鸦呢!)”老板道。
“the boss said yes! but look at his skill, there is no one in the million!(老板说的是!不过看他的身手,可是万中无一啊!)”开车的男子道。
“polly, how's Shine's plan going?(珀利,Shine公司的计划着手准备的怎么样了?)”老板问道。
“boss, that's a piece of fat. Everyone wants to have a bite. I... I'm not ready!(老板,那可是块肥肉,谁都想上去咬一口的,我……我还没有准备好!)”副驾驶上的男子道。
“polly, I understand your difficulties, but you can prepare again now. I am bound to get the fat of Shine!(珀利,我明白你的难处,不过你现在可以重新准备了,Shine公司这块大肥肉,我是势在必得的!)”老板道。
“boss, why are you so sure?(老板,你怎么这么有把握?)”珀利道。
“because of him, as long as I win him, Shine pany is my bag!(因为有他,只要把他争取到手,Shine公司就等于是我的囊中之物!)”老板自信地道。
“oK, let's go and try him!(好,我们这就去试试他!)”说着,开车的男子便把车驶向了那名仍在奔跑的东方男子。